asmack XMPP new user registration

Милан picture Милан · Oct 10, 2011 · Viewed 11.1k times · Source

Good people of StackOverflow, please help. I've set up an ejabberd server on my ubuntu machine, added virtual host, set {access, register, [{allow, all}]}. and registered an admin account. I'm not a linux guru, but I've managed to do this basic set up. Now, from my Win 7 machine, using Pidgin, I can login as admin and have access to many administrative features. Most important I can create new users on the server. The problem is that I can't do that with my android client using asmack library. I can establish connection and login, but when I try to register a new user either trough account manager or by sending IQ packets I get forbidden(403) response error.

AccountManager am = new AccountManager(connection);
Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
attributes.put("username", "my_user_name");
attributes.put("password", "my_password");
attributes.put("email", "[email protected]");
attributes.put("name", "my_full_name");
am.createAccount("my_user_name", "my_password", attributes);

Registration reg = new Registration();
//      attributes.put("username", username);
//      attributes.put("password", password);
//      reg.setAttributes(attributes);
reg.addAttribute("username", username);
reg.addAttribute("password", password);
reg.addAttribute("email", email);
reg.addAttribute("name", fullName);
PacketFilter filter = new AndFilter(new PacketIDFilter(
    reg.getPacketID()), new PacketTypeFilter(IQ.class));
PacketCollector collector = connection.createPacketCollector(filter);

Has anyone had similar problems or can tell me what am I doing wrong?


Here is my LogCat

10-10 10:00:26.249: DEBUG/StatusBarPolicy(1639): [BRIGHTHY] curNetwork=22003 curHPLMN=22003
10-10 10:00:26.839: INFO/System.out(21277): 10:00:26 AM SENT (1080244736): <iq id="fMJxx-4" to="morena.local" type="get"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:register"></query></iq>
10-10 10:00:26.869: INFO/System.out(21277): 10:00:26 AM RCV  (1080244736): <iq from='morena.local' to='[email protected]/Smack' id='fMJxx-4' type='result'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'><instructions>Choose a username and password to register with this server</instructions><username>admin</username><password/><registered/></query></iq>
10-10 10:00:26.959: INFO/System.out(21277): 10:00:26 AM SENT (1080244736): <iq id="fMJxx-5" to="morena.local" type="set"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:register"><password>new_user</password><username>[email protected]</username></query></iq>
10-10 10:00:26.969: INFO/System.out(21277): 10:00:26 AM RCV  (1080244736): <iq from='morena.local' to='[email protected]/Smack' id='fMJxx-5' type='error'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'><password>new_user</password><username>[email protected]</username></query><error code='403' type='auth'><forbidden xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq>
10-10 10:00:31.659: WARN/System.err(21277): forbidden(403)
10-10 10:00:31.659: WARN/System.err(21277):     at org.jivesoftware.smack.AccountManager.createAccount(
10-10 10:00:31.659: WARN/System.err(21277):     at org.jivesoftware.smack.AccountManager.createAccount(
10-10 10:00:31.659: WARN/System.err(21277):     at
10-10 10:00:31.659: WARN/System.err(21277):     at
10-10 10:00:31.659: WARN/System.err(21277):     at$
10-10 10:00:31.659: INFO/System.out(21277): 10:00:31 AM SENT (1080244736): <iq id="fMJxx-6" to="morena.local" type="get"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:register"></query></iq>
10-10 10:00:31.679: INFO/System.out(21277): 10:00:31 AM RCV  (1080244736): <iq from='morena.local' to='[email protected]/Smack' id='fMJxx-6' type='result'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'><instructions>Choose a username and password to register with this server</instructions><username>admin</username><password/><registered/></query></iq>
10-10 10:00:31.689: INFO/System.out(21277): 10:00:31 AM SENT (1080244736): <iq id="fMJxx-7" to="morena.local" type="set"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:register"><email>[email protected]</email><password>new_user1</password><username>[email protected]</username><name>[email protected]</name></query></iq>
10-10 10:00:31.699: INFO/System.out(21277): 10:00:31 AM RCV  (1080244736): <iq from='morena.local' to='[email protected]/Smack' id='fMJxx-7' type='error'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'><email>[email protected]</email><password>new_user1</password><username>[email protected]</username><name>[email protected]</name></query><error code='403' type='auth'><forbidden xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq>
10-10 10:00:31.729: WARN/System.err(21277): forbidden(403)
10-10 10:00:31.729: WARN/System.err(21277):     at
10-10 10:00:31.729: WARN/System.err(21277):     at
10-10 10:00:31.729: WARN/System.err(21277):     at
10-10 10:00:31.729: WARN/System.err(21277):     at
10-10 10:00:31.729: WARN/System.err(21277):     at$


Милан picture Милан · Oct 11, 2011

I found it! The problem is in server configuration (but I still don't understand why I could register new user from Pidgin before this change). Setting

%% In-band registration
{access, register, [{allow, all}]}.

doesn't seem to work with new versions of ejabberd. You need to add

{mod_register, [
      {access_from, register},
                ] ...

if You want to allow all users to register. If You want only admin to have this access, then you need to add new access rule

{access, register_from, [{allow, admin}]}.


{mod_register, [
      {access_from, register_from},
                ] ...