I have searched but not found any queries or answers for my specific circumstance. I have a fast new machine with plenty of memory running Windows 7. I'm using the latest Eclipse and Android SDK.
When I run an app the emulator takes about 45 seconds to start (blazingly fast for the emulator!) from run initiation to running my app.
If I then change the app and re-run it on the still-running emulator, the time increases to 70+ seconds! As opposed to all other complaints people have, in my case restarting the emulator is faster than using the existing instance. I don't like that.
Here are the times:
2011-09-29 13:07:13 - hello Uploading hello.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
2011-09-29 13:07:18 - hello Installing hello.apk...
2011-09-29 13:07:37 - hello Success!
on rerunning after changing the app to get it to reload:
2011-09-29 13:08:18 - hello Uploading hello.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
2011-09-29 13:09:16 - hello Installing hello.apk...
2011-09-29 13:09:24 - hello Success!
As you can see, the upload to the emulator takes a mere 5 seconds when the emulator is freshly started. It takes nearly a minute with a running emulator! This is the cause of the extended re-running time. This doesn't change even when I uninstall the app on the emulator before re-running it.
Any ideas on what I could try to solve this? It appears to be some kind of communication problem, possibly with adb.
As others have posted, just clicking around in the emulator while uploading drastically improves the upload speed. I had the same problem and Googled for an answer, and trying out this trick helped me. I'm running a 2.3.3 AVD.