How can I get the margin value of a View from an Activity? The View can be of any type.
After a bit of searching I found out ways to get padding of a view, but couldn't find anything on Margin. Can anyone help?
I tried something like this,
ViewGroup.LayoutParams vlp = view.getLayoutParams();
int marginBottom = ((LinearLayout.LayoutParams) vlp).bottomMargin;
This works, but in the above code I have assumed the view to be a LinearLayout
. But I need to get the margin
attribute even when I don't know the view type.
try this:
View view = findViewById(...) //or however you need it
LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
margins are accessible via
perhaps ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
will work for you. It's a base class for other LayoutParams
ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams lp = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();