How to remove the top and bottom space on textview of Android

mooongcle picture mooongcle · Jul 6, 2011 · Viewed 49.1k times · Source

When I include the below XML to layout file, I can see the below image. If you see it, you could realize that the TextView has top and bottom space.


enter image description here

I wish to remove the space. How to remove it? What is it called? If anyone has clue.. please let me know. Thanks in advance.


Graham Borland picture Graham Borland · Jul 6, 2011

Try android:includeFontPadding="false" to see if it helps. In my experience that will help a little bit, but there's no way of reducing the TextView dimensions to the exact pixel-perfect text size.

The only alternative, which may or may not give better results, is to cheat a bit and hard-wire the dimensions to match the text size, e.g. "24sp" instead of "wrap_content" for the height.