If I get the image name as a variable like following:
var imageName = SERVICE.getImg();
Then, how can I get the resource with R.drawable.????
, I tried R.drawable[imageName]
, but it failed. Any suggestions?
int id = getResources().getIdentifier(imageName, type, package);
This will get you the ID of the resource you are looking for. With it, you can then access the resource from the R class.
Using only the name
You can also include all the 3 info in the "name" parameter using the following format: "package:type/image_name"
, something like:
int id = getResources().getIdentifier("com.my.app:drawable/my_image", null, null);
This is useful when you're working with external components or libraries that you can't, or don't want to, change how getIdentifier()
is called. e.g.: AOSP Launcher3