Set a menu item as checked from code

Robert Granat picture Robert Granat · May 27, 2011 · Viewed 28.9k times · Source

I have an Android application with the following menu item in one of the Activities (which concerns handling a list of names and mac numbers):

<item android:id="@+id/menu_sort_tagg"
      android:title="@string/menu_sort_list" >
        <group android:checkableBehavior="single">
            <item android:id="@+id/sort_by_name"
                  android:title="@string/sort_by_name" />
            <item android:id="@+id/sort_by_mac"
                          android:title="@string/sort_by_mac" />


and as the application state changes, I want to be able to pre-check which item in the sort options list that was used last time with the following code:


The problem is that this specific line gives me a runtime exception. Does anyone have a clue why?

A look at the log reveals that the runtime exceptions is triggered by a null pointer exception. By changing the code in this way:

MenuItem mi = (MenuItem)findViewById(;

it becomes clear that the exception occurs in the seconds statement, i.e., the MenuItem mi is null. So why fails the first statement to bring a pointer to the correct MenuItem?


Michael picture Michael · May 27, 2011

You can't do findViewById() for a menu, because it's a menu, not a view. And you can change menu state when it's being created or prepared. For example, if you create an options menu, you can do it in the Activity: onPrepareOptionsMenu() method:

public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    //Also you can do this for sub menu
    return true;