can not play ogg on android

ihucos picture ihucos · May 26, 2011 · Viewed 9k times · Source

does somenone knows what this means? the ogg is played with phonegap`s Meda, which uses MediaPlayer

05-26 15:41:50.007  1160  3631 E AudioFlinger: no more track names available
05-26 15:41:50.007  1160  3631 E AudioTrack: AudioFlinger could not create track, status: -12
05-26 15:41:50.007  1160  3631 E AudioSink: Unable to create audio track
05-26 15:41:50.007  1160  3631 E VorbisPlayer: mAudioSink open failed



new Media('/android_asset/www/sounds/0.mp3',
        function() {
        //alert("playAudio():Audio Success");
        function(err, arg) {
            alert(err + ' ' + arg);


Carl Watts picture Carl Watts · Apr 25, 2016

I've had Ogg Vorbis music files that the internal Android player wouldn't play and I've found that removing all the Tags embedded in the file solved the problem. Variable bit rate and high bit rate doesn't seem to be the issue for me. The issue seems to be that the internal Android player chokes if the Ogg Vorbis file contains tags in certain formats. I haven't figured out precisely which tags in which formats are the problem. Some work. Some don't. I'll keep looking into the issue.