PDF Library for Android - PDFBox?

Marcos Vasconcelos picture Marcos Vasconcelos · May 10, 2011 · Viewed 38k times · Source

Wich libraries exists to use to draw PDF files on Android?

I found PDFBox, that is a JSE Library, and want to know if somehow it can be used to draw the PDFs on Android.

I know Android converts Standard bytecodes into Dalvik Bytecodes, but how it will convert classes like BufferedImage that the framework can convert PDF Files into?

Any suggestion is helpfully, even for paid libraries.


2bard picture 2bard · May 10, 2011

PDF read/writing is a big problem for Android. A quick search on Stackoverflow will reveal many developers looking for solutions. So far, the most popular solution is to use a webview and use the google docs engine to render the PDF

A second solution, which is a little less 'hacky' is to use one of these android pdf libraries