I'm developing an Android app using Huawei's Push
service. I have installed DevEco IDE
plugin within Android Studio. But I don't have any Huawei
device to test. So my question is that there is any Huawei's Android phone emulator or not for Windows PC. So, I can test and debug app. Thanks in advance.
Huawei provides cloud debugging functionality for Huawei developers as a free service.
If you use Huawei SDKs, you should have Huawei Developer Account. Just need to login Huawei developer console and follow below instruction;
Updated Link https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/development/AppGallery-connect-Guides/agc-clouddebug-realtimedebug
This functionality is really simple to use, The cloud debugging function allows for remote debugging on real devices. In the debugging process, you can view device information, upload and install your APK to the remote devices, obtain operation logs, and save the logs to your local computer for analysis.