Are there any good Phonegap tutorials except for "Hello" stuff?

Otroberts picture Otroberts · Apr 4, 2011 · Viewed 19.7k times · Source

I want to start looking into Phonegap for deploying iOS and Android apps. I was wondering if there are any good Phonegap tutorials except for the basic "Hello" stuff.


avoision picture avoision · Apr 4, 2011

I found the PhoneGap documentation to be pretty helpful (and I'm usually not a documentation kind of learner). They're not so much full apps, but show how you can target specific aspects of the device (camera, GPS, etc).

Also - not sure if you're looking for something like this, but I found Jonathan Stark's Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript immensely helpful. It's not heavy on PhoneGap, but focuses more on using jQuery/jQTouch to develop your app (with PhoneGap being the final method for deployment). More of a step-by-step walkthrough of an app, start to finish.

Keep in mind PhoneGap just basically gives you hooks into your device. If you're talking about learning how to build for iPhone/Droid using HTML/CSS... Stark's (oneline, free) book is a good resource. It was for me, anyhow...