Check if device is plugged in

Josh picture Josh · Mar 12, 2011 · Viewed 42.7k times · Source

My app has a broadcast receiver to listen for changes to ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED, and in turn flag the screen to stay on.

What I am missing is the ability for the app to check the charging status when it first runs. Can anyone please help me with code to manually check charging status?


Geekygecko picture Geekygecko · Aug 23, 2011

Thanks to CommonsWare here is the code I wrote.

public class Power {
    public static boolean isConnected(Context context) {
        Intent intent = context.registerReceiver(null, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED));
        int plugged = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PLUGGED, -1);
        return plugged == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC || plugged == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB || plugged == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_WIRELESS;

if (Power.isConnected(context)) {

or the Kotlin version

object Power {
    fun isConnected(context: Context): Boolean {
        val intent = context.registerReceiver(null, IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED))
        val plugged = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PLUGGED, -1)
        return plugged == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC || plugged == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB || plugged == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_WIRELESS