Access to raw data in ARGB_8888 Android Bitmap

Kasper Peeters picture Kasper Peeters · Feb 15, 2011 · Viewed 17.2k times · Source

I am trying to access the raw data of a Bitmap in ARGB_8888 format on Android, using the copyPixelsToBuffer and copyPixelsFromBuffer methods. However, invocation of those calls seems to always apply the alpha channel to the rgb channels. I need the raw data in a byte[] or similar (to pass through JNI; yes, I know about bitmap.h in Android 2.2, cannot use that).

Here is a sample:

    // Create 1x1 Bitmap with alpha channel, 8 bits per channel
    Bitmap one = Bitmap.createBitmap(1,1,Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    Log.v("?","hasAlpha() = "+Boolean.toString(one.hasAlpha()));
    Log.v("?","pixel before = "+Integer.toHexString(one.getPixel(0,0)));

    // Copy Bitmap to buffer
    byte[] store = new byte[4];
    ByteBuffer buffer  = ByteBuffer.wrap(store);

    // Change value of the pixel
    int value=buffer.getInt(0);
    Log.v("?", "value before = "+Integer.toHexString(value));
    value = (value >> 8) | 0xffffff00;
    buffer.putInt(0, value);
    Log.v("?", "value after = "+Integer.toHexString(value));

    // Copy buffer back to Bitmap
    Log.v("?","pixel after = "+Integer.toHexString(one.getPixel(0,0)));

The log then shows

hasAlpha() = true
pixel before = ef234567
value before = 214161ef
value after = ffffff61
pixel after = 619e9e9e

I understand that the order of the argb channels is different; that's fine. But I don't want the alpha channel to be applied upon every copy (which is what it seems to be doing).

Is this how copyPixelsToBuffer and copyPixelsFromBuffer are supposed to work? Is there any way to get the raw data in a byte[]?

Added in response to answer below:

Putting in buffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); before the copyPixelsToBuffer does change the result, but still not in the way I want it:

pixel before = ef234567
value before = ef614121
value after = ffffff41
pixel after = ff41ffff

Seems to suffer from essentially the same problem (alpha being applied upon each copyPixelsFrom/ToBuffer).


Sami Varjo picture Sami Varjo · Oct 23, 2014

One way to access data in Bitmap is to use getPixels() method. Below you can find an example I used to get grayscale image from argb data and then back from byte array to Bitmap (of course if you need rgb you reserve 3x bytes and save them all...):

/*Free to use licence by Sami Varjo (but nice if you retain this line)*/

public final class BitmapConverter {

    private BitmapConverter(){};

    * Get grayscale data from argb image to byte array
   public static byte[] ARGB2Gray(Bitmap img)

       int width = img.getWidth();
       int height = img.getHeight();

       int[] pixels = new int[height*width];
       byte grayIm[] = new byte[height*width];


       int pixel=0;
       int count=width*height;

           int inVal = pixels[pixel];

           //Get the pixel channel values from int 
           double r = (double)( (inVal & 0x00ff0000)>>16 );
           double g = (double)( (inVal & 0x0000ff00)>>8  );
           double b = (double)(  inVal & 0x000000ff)      ;

           grayIm[pixel++] = (byte)( 0.2989*r + 0.5870*g + 0.1140*b );

       return grayIm;

    * Create a gray scale bitmap from byte array
   public static Bitmap gray2ARGB(byte[] data, int width, int height)
       int count = height*width;
       int[] outPix = new int[count];
       int pixel=0;
           int val = data[pixel] & 0xff; //convert byte to unsigned
           outPix[pixel++] = 0xff000000 | val << 16 | val << 8 | val ;

       Bitmap out =  Bitmap.createBitmap(outPix,0,width,width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
       return out;
