Multi-State Toggle Button

Melde picture Melde · Jan 28, 2011 · Viewed 34.5k times · Source

In the app I've been working on, I would like to have a multiple-state (in my case, three) toggle button, instead of the two that ToggleButton provides. I've tried to start my own that extends Button, following the CompoundButton source, but quite honestly reading over its source got a bit overwhelming.

Is there a way to do a three-state toggle button using just a selector xml or something, or perhaps another method I haven't thought of? I'm rather at a loss of how to do this.


jlhonora picture jlhonora · Jan 29, 2014

I implemented a multi-state toggle button, the source code is here

This is how it looks:

enter image description here

And it's quite easy to use it:

    mstb:values="@array/planets_array" />

In your activity:

MultiStateToggleButton button2 = (MultiStateToggleButton) this.findViewById(;
button2.setOnValueChangedListener(new ToggleButton.OnValueChangedListener() {
    public void onValueChanged(int value) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Value: " + value);