I am using this library to use FFmpeg with my Android application. I am extracting frames from a video and then adding them to a crop viewer. So each frame needs to represent some time frame within the video. Here is my current ffmpeg code to extract the frames:
ffmpeg -i inputFile -f image2 -ss mySS -r myR frame-%05d.png
When using the above command how would I add a timestamp to each frame? So i know for example frame 5 is at 9s within the video.
I dont know if the ffmpeg lib I am using has ffprobe from this link. I have also looked at other links on stackoverflow
any help is appreciated
option is your friend... set it to true and ffmpeg will output the frame's presentation timestamp as your filename.
ffmpeg -skip_frame nokey -i file -vsync 0 -frame_pts true out%d.png
Credits goes to this superuser answer.. more explanation of mixing framerate -r
option with frame_pts