Android referral tracking does not work

patheros picture patheros · Jan 11, 2011 · Viewed 10.2k times · Source

I am attempting to get Android Referral tracking to work. I am following the only documentation I have found here I have the following in my android manifest file

                <action android:name="" />  
<receiver android:name="com.package.Receiver" android:exported="true">  
                <action android:name="" />  
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4"/>  

com.package.Receiver starts with:

public void onReceive(Context paramContext, Intent paramIntent) {  
        String str1 = paramIntent.getStringExtra("referrer");  
        Log.i("myapp", "action: '" + paramIntent.getAction() + "'  
referrer string: '" + str1 + "'"); 

Also with a little bit of decompiling has the following code in it:

public void onReceive(Context ctx, Intent intent)  
/*     */   {  
/*  24 */     String referrer = intent.getStringExtra("referrer");  
/*     */  
/*  26 */     if ((!  
|| (referrer == null))  
/*     */     {  
/*  28 */       return;  
/*     */     }  
/*     */ 
/*  31 */     String formattedReferrer = formatReferrer(referrer);  
/*     */  
/*  33 */     if (formattedReferrer != null) {  
/*  34 */       PersistentEventStore store = new  
/*  35 */       store.setReferrer(formattedReferrer);  
/*  36 */       Log.d("googleanalytics", new  
/*     */     } else {  
/*  38 */       Log.w("googleanalytics", "Badly formatted referrer, ignored");  
/*     */     }  
/*     */   }  

Note the two lines 36 and 38 that Log "googleanalytics" I have tried pushing the above app to the market, downloading it on my Nexus One (after uninstalling a previous version of the app). I have generated a link using the google page I linked to at the beginning of this post

I attached logcat to my Nexus One while I download the app from that link, I do not see any logs from "googleanalytics" or "myapp". The rest of the google analytics library does work for my app. I.E. I see records on google analytics about pages hits etc. However all the traffic sources are "Direct Traffic". I am at a loss as to what is going on. Does anyone have any insight into what I might be doing wrong?


patheros picture patheros · Jan 23, 2011

As is often the case I found my own answer. My problem was in my AndroidManifest.xml

I had the following in my manifest:


The receiver tag was in the wrong spot. It should look like this


I am now seeing the logs I expect to when I install the app. In a few hours hopefully Google Analytics will have the data as well.