Any simple way to log in Android NDK code?

wajiw picture wajiw · Jan 7, 2011 · Viewed 62.6k times · Source

I'm looking for a way to easily debug C code in an Android NDK application using Eclipse. I've read ways to debug the app using gdb or something similar but what I want is a way to push messages to Eclipse somehow.

I'm looking for a solution that's as simple as using a print function in C and seeing it in the DDMS Log or anything similar. Does anyone have any experience doing this?


svdree picture svdree · Jan 7, 2011

You can use the Android logging facilities:

#include <android/log.h>

#define APPNAME "MyApp"

__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, APPNAME, "The value of 1 + 1 is %d", 1+1);

Make sure you also link against the logging library, in your file:

  LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog