I'm new to ReactiveX. I was learning it from reading source-code. Everything was so clear but suddenly I got this word named "Consumer" which was an Interface. It was used in place of Observer.
Can someone let me know what it exactly does?
I followed several links but they just all said just one statement Consumer is a functional interface (callback) that accepts a single value.
I want to know the exact working of it.
Consumer is a simple Java interface that accepts variable of type T. Like you said it is used for callbacks.
import io.reactivex.functions.Consumer;
Flowable.just("Hello world").subscribe(new Consumer<String>() {
@Override public void accept(String s) {
Why does it work? How can we use a Consumer instead of an Observer?
RxJava simply creates an Observer, passes the Consumer to it an it gets called in onNext
is a kind of observer that is created out of four functional interfaces and uses them as callbacks. It's mostly for using java 8 lambda expressions. It looks like this:
Observable.just(new Object())
o -> processOnNext(o),
throwable -> processError(throwable),
() -> processCompletion(),
disposable -> processSubscription()