They are stored as circular memory buffers on the device. If you run "adb logcat > myfile" on your host system, you can retrieve the content into a file.
The different LogCat methods are:
Log.v(); // Verbose
Log.d(); // Debug
Log.i(); // Info
Log.w(); // Warning
Log.e(); // Error
What are the appropriate situations to use each type of Logging? I know that perhaps it's just a little bit …
I am getting an error Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory) failed to load memtrack module: -2 at run time.
StackTrace Error:
E/SoundPool(1280) : error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg
E/SoundPool(1280) : error loading /…
So I started getting errors in my ADB logs which, I think, are causing my device to now display any logcat output for my app. I am getting all the logcat output except the one from the app itself.
PropertyFetcher: …