Trying to test new Android Room librarty with RxJava adapter. And I want to handle result if my query returns 0 objects from DB:
So here is DAO method:
@Query("SELECT * FROM auth_info")
fun getAuthInfo(): Flowable<AuthResponse>
And how I handle it:
.switchIfEmpty { Log.d(TAG, "IS EMPTY") }
{ authResponse -> Log.d(TAG, authResponse.token) },
{ error -> Log.d(TAG, error.message) })
My DB is empty, so I expect .switchIfEmty() to work, but none of handling methods is firing. Neither .subscribe() nor .switchIfEmpty()
Db Flowables are observable (so they keep dispatching if database changes) so it never completes. You can try returning List<AuthResponse>
. We've considered back porting an optional but decided not to do it, at least for now. Instead, we'll probably add support for Optional in different known libraries.