Tiled drawable sometimes stretches

benvd picture benvd · Dec 2, 2010 · Viewed 12.4k times · Source

I have a ListView whose items have a tiled background. To accomplish this, I use the following drawable xml:

    android:tileMode="repeat" />

Usually, this works. Sometimes, however, the src drawable isn't tiled, but stretched to fill the entire list item. (I've got several different tiles like this, and I use them mixed in one ListView. If there is stretching instead of tiling, it's never been in all of them at once, for what that's worth.)

I also tried to add android:dither="true" to that xml, since I read somewhere that without it there might be bugs. That didn't change anything.

Has anyone had the same problem? How did you fix it?


Ivo van der Wijk picture Ivo van der Wijk · Feb 29, 2012

I also got bitten by this problem. Very hard to diagnose, even harder to find similar reports and usable solutions.

"Tapas" on the freenode #android-dev irc channel came with the following utility method:

public static void fixBackgroundRepeat(View view) {
    Drawable bg = view.getBackground();
    if (bg != null) {
        if (bg instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
            BitmapDrawable bmp = (BitmapDrawable) bg;
            bmp.mutate(); // make sure that we aren't sharing state anymore
            bmp.setTileModeXY(TileMode.REPEAT, TileMode.REPEAT);

Apply it to all Views that have a tiled background set (e.g. findViewById them).

Also, I have the impression this bug started acting up after setting "anyDensity=true" in AndroidManifest.xml