I have an activity with bottom navigation tabs that are changing the fragments in it. When I click back and forth on those tabs, at some point it stops working. Code executes just fine as I put some logs in it. But the fragments aren't being switched.
Code is in kotlin but it's rather straight forward
fun showTabFragment(tag: String) {
val currentFragment: Fragment? = supportFragmentManager.fragments?.lastOrNull()
var fragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(tag)
val fragmentExists = fragment != null
if (fragment == null) {
when (tag) {
TAG_LOGBOOK -> fragment = LogbookFragment()
TAG_RECIPES -> fragment = RecipesFragment()
TAG_PROFILE -> fragment = ProfileFragment()
else -> fragment = MeetingPlacesFragment()
val transaction = supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
if (currentFragment != null) {
Log.i("jacek", "hiding " + currentFragment.javaClass.simpleName)
if (fragmentExists) {
Log.i("jacek", "showing " + fragment.javaClass.simpleName)
} else {
Log.i("jacek", "adding " + fragment.javaClass.simpleName)
transaction.add(R.id.container, fragment, tag)
The fragments are quite heavy. I will try with some lightweight ones, but still that shouldn't be a problem in my opinion. Is there anything else I could try?
I'm using the latest support library - 25.2.0 Also I'm not interested in replacing the fragments as the point is to add crossfade animation without recreating them
You need to reuse the same instance of a fragment that you wanted to hide or show.
private fun replaceFragment(fragment: Fragment) {
supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().apply {
if (fragment.isAdded) {
} else {
add(R.id.fmFragmentContainer, fragment)
supportFragmentManager.fragments.forEach {
if (it != fragment && it.isAdded) {