Event Bus in Fragment

sanil picture sanil · Mar 10, 2017 · Viewed 14.3k times · Source

I have created one Activity (DemoActivity.java) with 2 Fragments (FragmentOne.java and FragmentTwo.java).

I registered the EventBus in the Activity like thisEventBus.getDefault().register(this);

and created one Suscriber method in the Activity:

public void abc(String str) {
    Log.i(TAG,"MainActivity Called !!");

Then I post an event from FragmentTwo.java on button click EventBus.getDefault().post("");

This scenario works fine for me. But when I create the same subscriber method in FragmentOne.java it is not working. Why?


Nitin Joshi picture Nitin Joshi · Mar 10, 2017

From your question there might be two things that are causing the issue:

  1. You might have not registered the EventBus in your FragmentOne class like you did for your DemoActivity class.
  2. If you have registered the EventBus in the FragmentOne class then please check if FragmentOne fragment class is alive and in state to receive the event while posting the event from FragmentTwo class.


As seen from comments you have registered your EventBus as EventBus.getDefault().register(getActivity()) due to this only your Activity will get registered. To register your Fragment use EventBus.getDefault().register(this) in your Fragment.onCreate() method.