I want to use assetlinks.json
for appindexing.
I am supposed to use a SHA256 fingerprint
, but when I print out the signingReport
in Android Studio, I only have SHA1.
Can I use SHA1
? If not, how can I get a SHA256 signed app?
Using Manish Jain's answer, I have managed to list only the debug keys, which is more than I could do by myself.
If I put my actual keystore path and jks file in the path:
keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Users\myself\Keystores\android.jks" -alias mykey -storepass 1password -keypass 2password
A different set of keys come up, which I assume would be the release key set.
The BIG QUESTION is why Android Studio only lists the debug keys when I print out the signingReport
from Gradle and why it says Variant: releaseUnitTest, Config: none
? Any idea?
By the way, this question has nothing to do with the suggested duplicate.
Replying to a question from jyomin 2. I hope it helps others too.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\bin
(or wherever your jdk file is).cmd
in address bar in win explorer.keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Users\yourUserName\Keystores\android.jks" -alias yourAppName -storepass yourPasswordToKeystore -keypass yourPasswordToRequiredAppKey
Be careful!!!
If you have multiple keys in the keystore, it might not give you the correct matching one to the given app!!!
Either on the Developer Console or Firebase, you can find the related SHA256 key somewhere. I couldn't find it now, but if you keep looking, it is there somewhere.
I just found it on the Google Play Developer Console:
It will show you the SHA keys
Good luck!
You can get SHA256
by using keytool
using command prompt (windows).
keytool -list -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android