While updating an app with "Timed Publishing" on Google Play, after I upload the APK, should I select the "publish now to production" option? Will this submit the new APK to production or will Google play just process it and wait for me to click "Go Live".
There is no clear step by step instructions on Google or anywhere else. It is critical that the app does not go live for my company so I am not ready to take chances by clicking that button.
When uploading a new APK and pressing "Start rollout to production" when "Timed publishing" is activated, here's what will happen:
I agree that the wording on the "Start rollout to production" button is quite confusing, it should change to something like "Submit for processing" when "Timed publishing" is activated. Even more confusing is that the text at the top of the apps Dashboard page will change to "Published" once processing is done but before you press the "Go Live"-button, but the new version is in fact not published until you press the button.
This is the first time I actually felt that Apple's AppStore Connect makes more sense and is less confusing than Google Play - usually it's the other way around...