Error "Status{statusCode=PLACES_API_INVALID_APP, resolution=null}" when using google places api in android

mirjafarabedi picture mirjafarabedi · Nov 30, 2016 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

I am using google maps in my android app and map successfully loaded in my app. I initialize google map in my app with this code :

mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
                .enableAutoManage(this, this)

And google places api was worked for me very well, but today an error occurred when using place auto complete! this is first time that this error is occurred :

Status{statusCode=PLACES_API_INVALID_APP, resolution=null}

I using the correct api key and all of my code is correct because it worked until today. But suddenly this error occurred. Please help me :) thanks in advance


iagreen picture iagreen · Nov 30, 2016

That error indicates something is wrong with you API setup - either the package name or signature is wrong. If you didn't change your code, the mostly likely thing that is wrong is you signed the app with a different key. If you --

1) Changed from debug to release mode, or

2) Are compiling on a different computer or install of AS in debug mode

Then it is likely that you have to add another SHA-1 fingerprint to your API key. Follow the instructions on getting your SHA-1 fingerprints here -- Check in the API console to make sure you've added all the necessary keys.