Eclipse Android: Could not open Selected VM debug port (8700)

wuntee picture wuntee · Oct 28, 2010 · Viewed 46.2k times · Source

Possible Duplicate:
Could not open Selected VM debug port (8700)

I am getting this error on the console when opening Eclipse:

"Could not open Selected VM debug port (8700). Make sure you do not have >another instance of DDMS or of the eclipse plugin running. If it's being >used by something else, choose a new port number in the preferences."

pretty sure DDMS is the Andoid debugger, and I am also pretty sure it is not turned on. Does anyone know how to solve it?


Peter picture Peter · Jul 21, 2011
the window Host file that is messed up:
the file is at this place :

And should contain this line : localhost

if it doesn't work then try the following as well: make the following changes in Eclipse.

Under Window -> Preferences -> Android -> DDMS:

* Set Base local debugger port to "8601"
* Check the box that says "Use ADBHOST" and the value should be ""