Can I draw outside the bounds of an Android Canvas

Mark picture Mark · Oct 26, 2010 · Viewed 24.2k times · Source

I'm porting an app written in a graphics environment that allows drawing to happen outside the bounds of the clipping rectangle. Any way to do this in Android?


numan salati picture numan salati · Mar 19, 2013

To draw outside the bounds, you need to expand the clipRect of the canvas.

Check out the overloaded clipRect methods on the Canvas class.

Note - You will need to specify the Region operation because the default operation is INTERSECT. So something like this:

Rect newRect = canvas.getClipBounds();
newRect.inset(-5, -5)  //make the rect larger

canvas.clipRect (newRect, Region.Op.REPLACE);
//happily draw outside the bound now