Crosswalk Error about "Request was denied for security"

yone picture yone · Oct 14, 2016 · Viewed 16.3k times · Source

I use cordova 6.3.1 and crosswalk of cordova plugin 2.1.0 in Android App. I use self certification in server. When I send http post request from cordova app to server, "Request was denied for security" message appeared in screen bottom possion and http post request is fail. I can send http post request using old crosswalk of cordova plugin(1.5.0). Do you know someone solutions. ※Following site method is not work


mvandillen picture mvandillen · Feb 3, 2017

I had the same Toast message displaying Request was denied for security. For me it was also certificate related but the solution was unexpected. The system time of my device was off by quite a bit (almost a year) and this caused the ssl communication to fail. Correcting the time solved it for me. (Thanks to the Google accounts page, which also encountered the same error in the browser and gave a very nice explanation about the reason.)