I'm having a frustrating day.
The video links on this test page I'm doing for a friend of mine work in Desktop Firefox/Chrome and iOS, but not IE 11 or (more importantly) Android:
Issue #1 and most important:
In the default Samsung Android "Internet" browser, it comes up with "No app can perform this action".
If I load the video directly onto the phone (in this case, a Galaxy S4 mini), the video plays perfectly when I tap it.
This is affecting videos we'll have to be producing as we need them to play using the default Android browser.
I have found no way to associate the browser to the inbuilt "gallery" application to play the video.
Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions?
Issue #2:
In IE11, a popup dialog comes up asking if we want to "open or save" the video file. Either way, it downloads it directly and then we have to double-click to open instead of being able to view it in the browser itself. How do we get around this so it'll play directly in the browser too?
Thank you!
I finally figured it out!
Under "Application Manager | All" there was an item called "Downloads" with a bright green down pointing arrow as an icon.
This was turned off.
When I turned this one and clicked on a video link, my phone started prompting me now whether I wanted to download the video, or use a thing called "Android System" to handle it.
Choosing the latter my phone now plays videos.