Android convert Arabic number to English Number

rosu alin picture rosu alin · Sep 8, 2016 · Viewed 8.2k times · Source

I get the following error from the gps:

Fatal Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException
Invalid double: "-٣٣٫٩٣٨٧٤"

Now this is from a error that I got from a user via Fabric. It looks like arabic so I'm guessing it only happens if you have the language set to that, or your sim card? Is it possible to force the gps to send characters in the 0-9 range? Or can I somehow fix this?


Amy picture Amy · Sep 8, 2016

Try this:

String number = arabicToDecimal("۴۲"); // number = 42;

private static final String arabic = "\u06f0\u06f1\u06f2\u06f3\u06f4\u06f5\u06f6\u06f7\u06f8\u06f9";
private static String arabicToDecimal(String number) {
    char[] chars = new char[number.length()];
    for(int i=0;i<number.length();i++) {
        char ch = number.charAt(i);
        if (ch >= 0x0660 && ch <= 0x0669)
           ch -= 0x0660 - '0';
        else if (ch >= 0x06f0 && ch <= 0x06F9)
           ch -= 0x06f0 - '0';
        chars[i] = ch;
    return new String(chars);