I'm having a really hard time understanding how to use custom tabs in android. I don't want to just be able to set the text and stuff. How can I change the size, and the image, and all that.
I've googled and I can't find anything that makes sense
You can create XML layout file in /res/layout. Then you need inflate layout in View and set indicator. I use this code in my projects:
private static View prepareTabView(Context context, int textId, int drawable) {
View view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.tab_layout, null);
// setting text and image
// ...
// Write your own code here
return view;
public static void addTab(TabHost host, int title, String tag, int drawable, int layout) {
TabHost.TabSpec spec = host.newTabSpec(tag);
View view = prepareTabView(host.getContext(), title, drawable);