So this morning I started updating to the latest version of my project libraries.
I'm trying to update GCM to the latest version 9.2.0, but I get this error:
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugGoogleServices'. Please fix the version conflict either by updating the version of the google-services plugin (information about the latest version is available at or updating the version of to 9.0.0.
This is how I have my code:
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath ''
classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.8'
And then:
dependencies {
compile ""
Anyone having the same issue/fixed the same issue?
Apparently you have to apply your GSM plugin at the bottom of your app/build.gradle file. Else, version 9.2.0 will cause conflict in your project.
For reference, this is how my app/build.gradle file looks like now:
apply plugin: ""
apply plugin: ""
android {
dependencies {
// Google Cloud Messaging
compile ""
apply plugin: ""