This property makes
"short and very-long-word"
"short and"
. But I want to have smth. like
"short and very-lon..."
Right now I truncate the String in Java code. However, thats based on the number of characters and not the actual length of the link. So, the result isn't very nice.
String title;
if(model.getOrganization().length() > 19) {
title = model.getText().substring(0, 15).trim() + "…";
} else {
title = model.getText();
((TextView) findViewById(;
Just noticed, this property actually adds "..." in a few cases. But not in all of them:
12345678901234567890 becomes "12345678901234..."
"1234567890 1234567890" becomes "1234567890" and not "1234567890 123..."
Update 2
Now it really gets funky! I just set singleLine=true and removed maxLine (The bug appears with and without setting ellipsize attribute)...
This is a screenshot take from Motorola Milestone with android 2.1 update 1. Same happens on HTC Desire with the same android version
Update 3
Now I use android:ellipsize="marquee". That seems to be the only properly working setting. It's also only moving, when focused. I see it in many other apps also. I guess its common practise.
If it's for a single line try this:
It worked for me.