I've start working with new Firebase SDK.
When I'm doing user login, I'm onAuthStateChanged method is being called twice with same state (etc. user sign in).
I'm sure I'm adding the AuthStateListener only once to the FirebaseAuth reference.
Any help?
Yes, and this is very annoying. This is due a registration call. Not only that, onAuthStateChanged is going to be called many times in many different states, with no possibility of knowing which state it is.
Documentation says:
onAuthStateChanged(FirebaseAuth auth)
This method gets invoked in the UI thread on changes in the authentication state:
Right after the listener has been registered
When a user is signed in
When the current user is signed out
When the current user changes
When there is a change in the current user's token
Here some tips to discover the current state:
This listener is a mess and very bugprone. Firebase team should look into it.