I want to be able to to be able to set padding values if a boolean is true. The problem is that Android studio cannot parse the layout because it thinks 2dp is a decimal with a value of 2 and then doesn't know what to do with the p. how do I format this so that it understands i mean 2 density pixels.
Data layout:
<data class=".ItemBinding">
<variable name="isGroupType" type="Boolean"/>
View layout(whats important):
android:paddingBottom='@{isGroupType ? 2dp : 0dp}'
android:paddingTop='@{isGroupType ? 8dp : 0dp}'
android:paddingRight='@{isGroupType ? 2dp : 0dp}'
android:paddingLeft='@{isGroupType ? 2dp : 0dp}'/>
Store padding value in dimen.xml
and use it. Please keep habit to write binding string with " " (double quotes)
android:paddingBottom="@{isGroupType ? @dimen/padding_normal : @dimen/padding_null}"
and so on for other paddings also.