I am trying to debug over network in Android Studio. I connected via port 5555 and generally it is possible step through break points. But it often takes minutes just to execute one line of code and the other thing is that I don't see any variables which are no members. All I see is the this
object, but no variables from within methods. How can I enable it?
As you can see I am within the method and at least the activity object is initialized, but it is not visible in the variables monitor.
The problem remains when using USB debugging. No local variables are visible, not even when trying to evaluate expressions while debugging:
Android Studio 2.1, Gradle 2.1.0, Java 1.8
Had the same problem.
There is a bug in Android Studio, see https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=93730
They recommend removing in build.gradle (app), this fixed the issue for me.
android {
buildTypes {
debug {
testCoverageEnabled true