Kiosk mode for Chrome or Firefox

mehov picture mehov · Mar 26, 2016 · Viewed 10.6k times · Source

I need to write a kiosk launcher for a number of Android devices. It is supposed to launch Chrome or Firefox, showing a specific webpage in fullscreen. That page already calls the HTML5 requestFullScreen() API, but it doesn't work because that call is not coming from a user-generated event, and therefore gets declined by a browser for security reasons.

I did some searching and I found the following questions:

Both of these answers end up pointing to the existing apps or browsers, some of those are doing exactly what I'm trying to accomplish. This feels like an overkill, as I'm already using an app to get this thing going. And I can't use a special browser like suggested here because major browsers like Firefox or Chrome are more reliable in terms of updates and supported features.

But at the same time, the fact that these apps exist means that whatever I need to do is, well, doable. From Kiosk Browser Lockdown:

[Pro features]

Fullscreen mode / Hidden Toolbar

My question is this: what are the Android APIs they use to accomplish this? Is there anything I'm missing at this point? What are the documentation pages, guides or articles I should be looking for?

Thank you


sancelot picture sancelot · Sep 18, 2017

I have similar problem with an commercial application running either in the linux system or windows OS. This application is made to run in a browser. By the past, we opened a browser window, that we customised. and closing main window. : * hiding menubar. * hiding button bar. * keeping close / lower window buttons

Fullscreen mode can not be used, since it hides window buttons.

Today, more and more browser based applications will arise (angularjs and similar applications coming...).

I found Atom Application can do this, using chromium .

Does this mean I have to embed a webbrowser with my application setup ??? And stick to some browser (eg. chromium) , altough my application is compatinble with many .