How to add the gradient color in color . Xml

Allay Khalil picture Allay Khalil · Feb 19, 2016 · Viewed 13k times · Source

I am using a library . In which I am showing the activity used by my library I am using a color to cover up the screen with color. it is looking cool.

But due to some reasons I have decided to use gradient. I have developed the beautiful gradient effect as you can see below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


        android:type="linear" />



it is looking good. But problem is I am using library which only accepts the color or color resource. I have no other method to alter , the library is showing the activity it self , I just need to pass the color that will appear on the activity.

Now My question is :

Can I define directly the gradient color in the color.xml file. Or is there any way to convert the gradient color file which is in draw able , can be pick as a color. so that , the library can apply my custom gradient color as a back ground

please help me . It would be a grate help .

Edit 1:

For those guys who are saying me to add this as a background of the image or any thing else , let me share you a little part of that line so that you can understand the case more clearly


Here I am referencing to the purple color defined in the Color.xml, I can set any thing as a background as library only gives me option of setting color as shown above. So I have made a draw able of gradient color , Now I want that how to reference the gradient as a color.


woodenleg picture woodenleg · Nov 26, 2020

Colors in Android are represented as Int (and I don't mean that as R.color.white is Int - that's just id of the color resource) which is just number representation of normal hex color, e.g. #f00 -> 0xFFFF0000. That means that there is no way to represent gradient as single color resource.

TLDR: gradient is not color but set of colors with angle.