I'm using Realm for Local storage in Android. I'm getting following response form server.
"ListId": 10,
"Names": ["Name1", "Name2", "Name3", "Name4"]
Here is my Model
public class Model extends RealmObject {
private int ListId;
private RealmList<String> Names = new RealmList<String>()
public int getListId() {
return ListId;
public void setListId(int listId) {
ListId = listId;
public RealmList<String> getNames() {
return Names;
public void setNames(RealmList<String> names) {
Names = names;
And I'm getting this for ArrayList
Type parameter 'java.lang.String' is not within its bound; should extend 'io.realm.RealmObject'.
RealmLists doesn't support simple strings yet. so you have to wrap each String into its own object:
You can see a work-around here: Gson deserialization of List<String> into realmList<RealmString>