Realm Exception 'value' is not a valid managed object

Kim Montano picture Kim Montano · Feb 2, 2016 · Viewed 15.8k times · Source

I'm setting a property on a realm object with another realm object which is a different class, however I'm getting the error: 'value' is not avalid managed object.


The class instance receives anotherRealmObject constructor and returns it through the method with values from widgets:

public ClassInstance(AnotherRealmObject anotherRealmObject){
  mAnotherRealmObject = anotherRealmObject;

public AnotherRealmObject returnAnotherRealmObjectWithValues(){

       return mAnotherRealmObject;

I'm creating the new Another Realm Object the right way (I think):

mAnotherRealmObject = mRealmInstance.createObject(AnotherRealmObject.class);

Is it because I'm returning anotherRealmObject wherein it is already modified because of the passing reference?


Kim Montano picture Kim Montano · Mar 7, 2016

Upon researching there is a method on realm objects to check if it is valid:


There are two ways I know how to instantiate a realmObject:

RealmObject realmObj = new RealObject(); //Invalid
RealmObject realmObj = realmInstance().createObject(RealmClass.class); //Valid

I was using parceler to pass realmObjects around. Passing a realmObject through parceler and unwrapping it and assigning it to a realmObject variable would make it invalid:

RealmObject realmObj = Parcels.unwrap(data.getParcelableExtra("realmObject"));

Solution 1 - Pass the unique identifer, then query the realm object:

int uniqueId = Parcels.unwrap(data.getParcelableExtra("uniqueId"));

Solution 2 - Pass the values, retrieve it, create a realmObject through a realmInstance and assign the values.

//Retrieve values
String value1 = Parcels.unwrap(data.getParcelableExtra("value1"));
String value2 = Parcels.unwrap(data.getParcelableExtra("value2"));

//Create realmObject 'properly'
RealmObject realmObj = realmInstance().createObject(RealmClass.class);

//Assign retrieved values

This way you won't get an invalid realm object.