Kotlin data class of RealmObject

Allen Vork picture Allen Vork · Dec 19, 2015 · Viewed 10.4k times · Source

I'm using Kotlin and Realm to write a data class

data class AuthToken(val register: Boolean,
                     val token: String,
                     val tokenSecret: String,
                     val user: AuthUser)

I have to save the data to db, so I use Realm to save it. But as we know, if I want to save the class to Realm, the AuthToken class has to extend RealmObject.

That's the problem, Kotlin says data classes can't extend classes. so I give up data class, just using a normal Kotlin class as a model then another question comes:

Kotlin class has no getter or setter. As we know Realm class have to set all the property private and write getter and setter.

Now i'm wondering how to solve the problem.


Christian Melchior picture Christian Melchior · Dec 21, 2015

Realm doesn't support Data classes currently. You can see an example of how to write Realm compatible model classes in Kotlin here: https://github.com/realm/realm-java/tree/master/examples/kotlinExample/src/main/kotlin/io/realm/examples/kotlin/model

public open class Person(
        @PrimaryKey public open var name: String = "",
        public open var age: Int = 0,
        public open var dog: Dog? = null,
        public open var cats: RealmList<Cat> = RealmList(),
        @Ignore public open var tempReference: Int = 0,
        public open var id: Long = 0
) : RealmObject() {