I updated Platform-tools from 23.0.1 to 23.1.0 and found some of the Android integration broke.
I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit with android-sdk_r24.4.1, with both android-studio (141.2456560) installed.
While executing adb command it keeps on saying below message :
Unable to create Debug Bridge: Unable to start adb server: Unable to detect adb version, adb output: /home/bhavesh/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb: 1: /home/bhavesh/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb: Syntax error: ")" unexpected
Any help would be appreciated.
OK. after some research found that reason for this is because
android-sdk-linux/platform-tools content is 32-bit ELF in 23.0.1 but 64-bit ELF in 23.1_rc1 and 23.1.0. So, several functions in android-studio (and I assume eclipse+ADT as well) fail because of the attempt to run 64-bit executables.
This issue has already been raised HERE
Also, as per the official comment given by google project member parts of the platform-tools will support 64 bit Ubuntu OS only from 23.1.0 onwards.
Platform-tools 23.1.0 OR onwards will not work on Ubuntu 32-bit OS. Developer needs to upgrade Ubuntu OS to 64-bit to make it work.
That eventually means we only have possible two workarounds now :
1. Stick with Platform-tool 23.0.1 as of now. and DO NOT UPGRADE platform-tools to 23.1.0 or above
2. Change your Ubuntu OS to 64-bit instead of 32-bit.
I hope this would help someone.
download sdk platform-tool 23.0.1 from this link