I want to make a Native Android APP (Not HTML5/Jquery mobile) for my Woocommerce website. I am trying to setup the APIs using kloon/WooCommerce-REST-API-Client-Library.
So far I managed to retrieve the lists of products, coupons, customers, orders etc... which I could use to display in my Android app.
Now I want to replicate add to cart/checkout process in the android app, but it seems this library dosen't provide functions for such workflow.
How can I achieve the follwing workflow with REST APIs in my Android app? (Similar to the website checkout process)
Please tell me if I'm missing any API calls.
If someone already achieved this, kindly post your resources and comments bellow. Any sample-codes/liraries/helper-classes links will be greatly appriciated.
Thank you!
if you try to read the example.php and read all the php file in lib folder, I think you can achieve all these...
example.php has something like:
// orders
//print_r( $client->orders->get() );
//print_r( $client->orders->get( $order_id ) );
//print_r( $client->orders->update_status( $order_id, 'pending' ) );
and if you'll look at class-wc-api-client-resource-orders.php, you have this:
* Create an order
* POST /orders
* @since 2.0
* @param array $data valid order data
* @return array|object your newly-created order
public function create( $data ) {
$this->set_request_args( array(
'method' => 'POST',
'body' => $data,
) );
return $this->do_request();
now you'll just have to test everything.
$orderData = array(
"order" => array(
"line_items" => array(
"product_id" => 1,
"quantity" => 1
Another suggestion is why not use WooCommerce REST API instead? It has great documentation and examples.