I want to edit the fill Color of a vector-file in Android programmatically.
In the xml-file I can set my color with the attribute android:fillColor but I want to change the color in runtime.
Any examples for that? Thanks.
This is exactly what you need. Credits to @emmaguy, the author of the post. I just added the full support of Support Library 23.4+, which enables you to stop generating pngs at runtime:
// Gradle Plugin 2.0+
android {
defaultConfig {
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
And if this line is set on your Activity's or Application's onCreate:
You can use your SVGs not only with srcCompat
but also with other attributes such as drawableLeft
, background
, etc. in TextView, ToggleButton and so on. It also works if used on selectors.
Note: I modified the code to use VectorDrawableCompat.create
instead of ResourcesCompat.getDrawable
. Otherwise it would not work and throw org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: Binary XML file line #2: invalid drawable tag vector
First, we create attributes for the two kinds of bauble, so we can change their colours:
<declare-styleable name="ChristmasTree">
<attr name="bauble_round" format="color" />
<attr name="bauble_small" format="color" />
Then, in the VectorDrawable, set the parts we want to dynamically change to use these attributes:
android:pathData="...." />
android:pathData="...." />
Create themes and set the colours you want to use:
<style name="UpdatedScene" parent="DefaultScene">
<item name="bauble_round">#db486e</item>
<item name="bauble_small">#22c7f7</item>
<style name="DefaultScene">
<item name="bauble_round">#fec758</item>
<item name="bauble_small">#f22424</item>
Use the drawable in an ImageView:
final ContextThemeWrapper wrapper = new ContextThemeWrapper(this, R.style.DefaultScene);
final Drawable drawable = VectorDrawableCompat.create(getResources(), R.drawable.christmas, wrapper.getTheme());
That’s it! When you want to change the colours, simply set a different theme and your drawable will update. See the GitHub repo for a full sample.