How can I setup multiple alarms in Android?

monn3t picture monn3t · Jul 17, 2010 · Viewed 28k times · Source

So far and thanks to this website, I've been able to set up an alarm that will be set up and active, even if I turn of my phone.

Now, I set up a alarm to show a reminder for event A and I need the application to setup another alarm to show another reminder for event B.

I must be doing something wrong, because it only fires the reminder for event A. It seems that once set up, any other alarm is understood as the same one. :-(

Here is the detail of what I am doing in two steps:

1) From an activity I set an alarm that at certain time and date will call a receiver

                Intent intent = new Intent(Activity_Reminder.this,

                intent.putExtra("item_name", prescription
                intent.putExtra("item_id", itemId);

                PendingIntent mAlarmSender;

                mAlarmSender = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(
                        Activity_Reminder.this, 0, intent, 0);

                long alarmTime = dateMgmt.getTimeForAlarm(pickedDate);
                Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
                // Schedule the alarm!
                AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE);
                am.set(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, alarmTime + 15000,

2) From the receiver I call a service

        Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
        String itemName = bundle.getString("item_name");
        String reminderOrAlarmMessage = bundle.getString("message");
        String activityToTrigg = bundle.getString("activityToTrigg");
        int itemId = Integer.parseInt(bundle.getString("item_id"));
        NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService("notification");
        CharSequence text = itemName + " "+reminderOrAlarmMessage;
        Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.icon, text,
        Intent newIntent = new Intent();
        newIntent.putExtra("item_id", itemId);
        CharSequence text1= itemName + " "+reminderOrAlarmMessage;
        CharSequence text2= context.getString(R.string.notif_Go_To_Details);
        PendingIntent pIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context,0, newIntent, 0);
        notification.setLatestEventInfo(context, text1, text2, pIntent);
        notification.flags = Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL;
        notification.defaults = Notification.DEFAULT_ALL;
        nm.notify(itemId, notification);

Thanks in Advance,



st0le picture st0le · Jul 18, 2010

Ok, when you set an PendingIntent, you're supposed to assign it a unique ID to it, incase you want to identify it later (for modifying/canceling it)

static PendingIntent    getActivity(Context context, int requestCode, Intent intent, int flags) 
//Retrieve a PendingIntent that will start a new activity, like calling Context.startActivity(Intent).
static PendingIntent    getBroadcast(Context context, int requestCode, Intent intent, int flags) 
//Retrieve a PendingIntent that will perform a broadcast, like calling Context.sendBroadcast().

The Request code is that ID.

In your code, you keep resetting the SAME PendingIntent, instead use a different RequestCode each time.

PendingIntent pIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context,uniqueRQCODE, newIntent, 0);

It has to be an integer, i suppose you have a primaryid (itemId) that can identify Alarm A from Alarm B.