I have a single Activity android app with lots of fragments. When I'm showing a list screen I want to use the Toolbar
with the, app:layout_scrollFlags="scroll|enterAlways"
property. And in the detail fragments I want to use the CollapsingToolbarLayout
with an image in it. Since it's a single Activity app, I have only one Toolbar
. Is it possible to modify my layout programmatically to suit both cases?
Yes. Let's say you are going from the CollapsingToolbarLayout fragment to the Toolbar one.
You collapse your AppBarLayout
using AppBarLayout.setExpanded(false)
You change the scroll flags to fit your needs.
AppBarLayout.LayoutParams p = (AppBarLayout.LayoutParams) toolbar.getLayoutParams();
Same goes for the CollapsingToolbarLayout if necessary. I guess it should be something like:
collapsingToolbarParams.setScrollFlags(0); //no flags for ctl
toolbarParams.setScrollFlags(SCROLL_FLAG_SCROLL | SCROLL_FLAG_ENTER_ALWAYS); //new flags for toolbar