Design Android EditText to show error message as described by google

kmn picture kmn · Jun 20, 2015 · Viewed 133.9k times · Source

I need an EditText that looks like this onError:

enter image description here

calling onError looks like this instead :

enter image description here

Note: the app is running on SDK 19 (4.4.2)

min SDK is 1

Is there a method similar to setError that does this automatically, or do I have to write the code for it ?

Thank you


reVerse picture reVerse · Jun 20, 2015

There's no need to use a third-party library since Google introduced the TextInputLayout as part of the design-support-library.

Following a basic example:



        android:hint="Enter your name" />


Note: By setting app:errorEnabled="true" as an attribute of the TextInputLayout it won't change it's size once an error is displayed - so it basically blocks the space.


In order to show the Error below the EditText you simply need to call #setError on the TextInputLayout (NOT on the child EditText):

TextInputLayout til = (TextInputLayout) findViewById(;
til.setError("You need to enter a name");


picture showing the edit text with the error message

To hide the error and reset the tint simply call til.setError(null).


In order to use the TextInputLayout you have to add the following to your build.gradle dependencies:

dependencies {
    compile ''

Setting a custom color

By default the line of the EditText will be red. If you need to display a different color you can use the following code as soon as you call setError.

editText.getBackground().setColorFilter(getResources().getColor(R.color.red_500_primary), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);

To clear it simply call the clearColorFilter function, like this:
