Change ndk-build output locations

madlymad picture madlymad · Jun 16, 2015 · Viewed 13.3k times · Source

My app has the following structure

|-> app
|    |
|    |-> build [1]
|    |-> src
|    |    |-> main
|    |    |     |-> assets
|    |    |     |-> java
|    |    |     |-> jni 
|    |    |     |     |->
|    |    |     |     |->
|    |    |     |
|    |    |     |-> jniLibs
|    |    |     |      |-> armeabi
|    |    |     |      |-> armeabi-v7a
|    |    |     |
|    |    |     |-> res
|    |    |     |-> AndroidManifest.xml
|-> build [2]

I am building my .so libraries with ndk-build command in a linux machine. I use it like:

<my_ndk_path>/ndk-build -C <my_project_path>/Android/app/src/main/

The build process works fine and output files are produced with no errors.

My problem is that the result files are not "directed to the proper position"

The libs generated at :


and the obj files at :


I would like the output to produced in different locations:

  1. The libs at jniLibs. ie. ./app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi*
  2. The obj under one of the build folders. ie. build[1] or build[2].

Is there any possible way to achieve that by changing some parameter to the .mk files or to the build command?


TARGET_OUT does not seem to work in NDK r6b

Executing command ndk-build -C Android/app/src/main/ TARGET_OUT='Android/app/src/main/jniLibs/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)'

Warnings as the following appear for each generated file.

android-ndk-r6b/build/core/ warning: overriding commands for target 'Android/app/src/main/jniLibs//objs/***/****.o'
android-ndk-r6b/build/core/ warning: ignoring old commands for target 'Android/app/src/main/jniLibs//objs/***/****.o'


Chen Vitor picture Chen Vitor · Jul 7, 2015

You can use NDK_LIBS_OUT to change libs output and NDK_OUT to change obj output. Just like this : ndk-build NDK_LIBS_OUT=./jniLibs NDK_OUT=./obj