In my Android Studio
project there are two build configuration
with some buildConfigField
buildTypes {
debug {
buildConfigField "String", SERVER_URL, ""
buildConfigField "String", APP_VERSION, "0.0.1"
release {
buildConfigField "String", SERVER_URL, ""
buildConfigField "String", APP_VERSION, "0.0.1"
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
I am getting and error as follows:
Error:(14, 47) error: ';' expected
Error:(15, 47) error: ';' expected
the generated
is as follows:
public final class BuildConfig {
public static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean("true");
public static final String APPLICATION_ID = "com.mycuteoffice.mcoapp";
public static final String BUILD_TYPE = "debug";
public static final String FLAVOR = "";
public static final int VERSION_CODE = 1;
public static final String VERSION_NAME = "1.0";
// Fields from build type: debug
public static final String APP_VERSION = 0.0.1;
public static final String SERVER_URL =;
I think the APP_VERSION
are not getting generated properly as being String type they do not have quotes.
I am not sure why it is being generated in such a way. Please let me know how can I resolve this issues.
String type build config fields should be declared like this:
buildConfigField "String", "SERVER_URL", "\"\""
the field name in quotes, the field value in escaped quotes additionally.