I would like to highlight drawer icon in my Toolbar
(working on a tutorial). For that, I need its position. How do I get a reference to drawer's navigation icon (hamburger) view?
You can make use of content description of the view and then use findViewWithText()
method to get view reference
public static View getToolbarNavigationIcon(Toolbar toolbar){
//check if contentDescription previously was set
boolean hadContentDescription = !TextUtils.isEmpty(toolbar.getNavigationContentDescription());
String contentDescription = hadContentDescription ? toolbar.getNavigationContentDescription() : "navigationIcon";
ArrayList<View> potentialViews = new ArrayList<View>();
//find the view based on it's content description, set programatically or with android:contentDescription
toolbar.findViewsWithText(potentialViews,contentDescription, View.FIND_VIEWS_WITH_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION);
//Nav icon is always instantiated at this point because calling setNavigationContentDescription ensures its existence
View navIcon = null;
if(potentialViews.size() > 0){
navIcon = potentialViews.get(0); //navigation icon is ImageButton
//Clear content description if not previously present
return navIcon;
Kotlin extension property:
val Toolbar.navigationIconView: View?
get() {
//check if contentDescription previously was set
val hadContentDescription = !TextUtils.isEmpty(navigationContentDescription)
val contentDescription = if (hadContentDescription) navigationContentDescription else "navigationIcon"
navigationContentDescription = contentDescription
val potentialViews = arrayListOf<View>()
//find the view based on it's content description, set programatically or with android:contentDescription
findViewsWithText(potentialViews, contentDescription, View.FIND_VIEWS_WITH_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION)
//Clear content description if not previously present
if (!hadContentDescription) {
navigationContentDescription = null
//Nav icon is always instantiated at this point because calling setNavigationContentDescription ensures its existence
return potentialViews.firstOrNull()